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Bullberry Handguns Make Headlines

Sure, making headlines can be infinitely easier when a customer is a well-respected writer, but we like to think our handguns are headline-worthy every day. This week we learned that Mark Hampton, long-time shooter and writer in a variety of firearm publications, published a new article with our work and his multiple Bullberry barrels as the feature. If you are a handgun shooter (target or hunting), or maybe have been interested in moving to a handgun but haven't considered the T/C break-action platform as being up for the task this is a great article. We can preach about what we do, how and why we do it, along with our expected results, but it's always great to hear it from someone in the field! I'm not at liberty to reproduce the article here, but highly suggest you check out Mark's write-up if it sounds like it's up your alley. FMG Publications offer single PDF downloads of issues for just $2! Direct link to the digital edition download page

BULLBERRY BARREL WORKS: Custom Lengths, Weights And Chamberings Expand The Horizons For The Versatile T/C Encore.

Not every shooter we supply barrels to will have the luxury of hunting in Cameroon or Kyrgyzstan like Mark, but every shooter wants their shot to count. Mark learned about our products a few years ago at the MOA Cold Turkey Long Range Handgun Match in Sundance, WY when a friend won the 1000-yard competition with our pistol — over a lot of very expensive and heavily customized bolt-actions. This year's competition is coming up, with shoots at 500-, 700-, and 1000-yard ranges. Learn more here. If you have any questions about a custom barrel, gripset, accessories, or the complete firearm just give us a call (435.635.9866) or send us an email. We are happy to answer your questions and get you on the road to better shooting!

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